Survey Costs

Please note:
This is a general price guide only!
Many things can affect the cost of the survey; has the vessel got a flybridge? will I be testing two lots of navigation equipment? Are there two engines to examine? the age of the vessel, condition, distance and vessel value will affect the fee listed below.
Please email me with the vessel's details and survey - project requirements and I will be more than happy to get back to you with an exact price and availability.
Insurance Survey - Condition Report (Required by insurance companies)
Sports cruisers, production yachts, motor boats and motor yachts. £12 per foot
Example 30' vessel x £12 = £360.00 - Minimum vessel charge £350.00
Pre-Purchase Survey (If you are purchasing a secondhand vessel) from £15 per foot.
Sports cruisers, production yachts, motor boats and motor yachts.
Example 35' vessel x £15 = £525.00 - Minimum vessel charge £400.00
Please Note:
Because of the time required to carry out a thorough inspection of the vessel, there will not be time to arrange 'Sea - Trials' within the initial visit, so If you require this service please book a separate visit, prices are dependent on distance but are typically around £400.00 - £600.00
Alternatively, if you have the pre-purchase survey carried out by myself and would like to carry out the sea trials yourself or with a marine engineer I can send you a comprehensive sea trial checklist for free.
Oil analysis test
I will extract oil from the engine and send it away to a lab to be fully tested and get a full report back. £150 per engine.
Pre-Purchase Survey on steel and GRP canal boats £15 per foot.
Example £15 x 56-foot steel = £840 - Minimum vessel charge £600.00
Damage Survey Report
Production Yachts, Motor boats and Motor Yachts. £10 per foot.
Example £10 x 30-foot length = £300 - Minimum charge £350
Consultancy covers all work other than surveys and is charged on a fixed quote or a daily fee rate depending on the type of work involved.
Overseeing repairs and renovations is where a surveyor will save you money, even on small jobs.
Open-ended agreements with a boatyard to do whatever is necessary invariably cost more than expected, but, rarely, anyone can accurately tell what a job will cost at the outset, especially on older vessels.
Having a surveyor manage repairs and renovations allows an initial assessment to be made, dismantling, tests and inspections to be carried out, quotes obtained and decisions made on the options for renovation. These can then be checked and revised as work progresses. The point is to keep you informed if either the job or the budget has to be adapted and to keep control over cost and quality.
The work will be inspected at regular intervals and the end result will be work that you and the yard are satisfied with and makes the best use of your budget.
For complex work, I will draw up a spreadsheet-based project management system to ensure that budgets and timetables are kept to. For straightforward jobs, I can simply help you, agree on quotes from a yard or contractor and check the work has been completed satisfactorily before you settle the bill.
Steel hull Ultrasonic thickness report
Again many things can affect the cost of this survey, for the ultrasonic tester to obtain accurate readings, the shell plate must be reasonably clean and free from serious pitting.
If the vessel has lots of layers of paint - -coatings or bitumen 'blacking' very limited areas will be inspected as these coatings will have to be removed prior to testing.
Normal cost - £15 per foot.
This price is for a steel hull vessel and does not include iron vessels
Please call for a quotation separately for Iron.
(Depending if the bottom of the vessel has been cleaned and not 'Blacked')
Example £15.00 x 40-foot steel vessel = £600 - Minimum charge £600
In some cases I will advise for the vessel to be shot blasted back to the metal because of the layers of coatings.
Fiberglass Hull Osmosis Survey £10 per foot
(Depending if the bottom of the vessel has been cleaned )
Example £10 x 56-foot steel = £560 - Minimum charge £350
Catamarans and Boats with Multi Hulls, as above plus 40%
Partial Inspection Surveys on Houseboats £10 per foot.
Example £10 x 56-foot steel = £560 - Minimum charge £450
Travelling within a 30-mile radius is free for pre-purchase and insurance surveys.
Please contact me for a price and I will be happy to help!