Pre-Purchase Survey
Before you buy a second-hand boat of any age It is essential that you have a 'pre-purchase' survey carried out which could save you thousands of pounds investing in a vessel that just has serious hidden defects.
Pre-purchase surveys are designed to give you a professional, independent, contextual, unbiased view regarding the condition and to allow you to make the correct choices when deciding or negotiating on the final purchase of your yacht or motorboat.
Typically this is a judgement on whether the work highlighted warrants further negotiation, this way you are empowered with the knowledge of what work is needed to bring the vessel up to scratch. I will help you ascertain the cost estimates, whether the work is to be done by yourself, or by a professional yard, you will then be in a strong position for further negotiation.
Sometimes the survey will confirm the boat is indeed what you are looking for and the condition you perceive it to be in. Occasionally the survey may highlight an area of great concern that necessitates a re-think of the purchase itself.
The survey that I carry out is very detailed in its scope and recommendations.
Essential work is highlighted in red for quick and easy reference and recommended work is listed throughout the report. Routine maintenance is advised and best practice. The report gives a summary of the work required and areas that should be given consideration when deciding on the purchase, in terms of required work regarding safety, upcoming work, areas that typically affect the resale of the boat and suitability of systems.
I will spend a full working day on the boat (or until I am satisfied that the vessel has been meticulously inspected) I will work from bow to stern meticulously inspecting all the component parts, testing them where appropriate and noting down any defects and will gladly impart as much information as possible with you to help you on your purchase decision.
I will call you immediately if a major defect is found that will considerably alter any deal by way of the extent of remedial work required (or as we call them ‘show stoppers')
Finally, once you have received a copy of your survey report I am more than happy for you to give me a call and we can go through any points of concern after you have read and digested the full survey report. I will be happy to spend as much time as you want as I feel this is an important part of the service that I offer and want to to fully understand any faults or problems with the vessel that I have located.